Monday, 2 August 2010

Firm and flatten your abs

Posted by Filipe | Monday, 2 August 2010 | Category: |

According to the latest statistics, $518 million dollars a year is made from the sale of exercise equipment through infomercials... and get this: $207 million of that is from abdominal machines alone!

If you add the sales of fat burning and “stomach slimming” supplements into the kitty, the total “abdominal” marketplace rises to a staggering $1.2 billion per year! (and I’m not even counting “diet programs!”)

The last time I surfed through the TV channels, I flipped through TWO infomercials for abdominal machines, and TWO diet programs all running at the same time. There are so many of them, that if you got suckered into every ab training or diet gimmick on the market today, you’d go broke faster than a lightning strike.

It’s bad enough that many of these ads and infomercials are telling blatant lies to sell their products and government agencies aren’t doing diddly squat about it, but what’s even worse is that…
These Ads Are Poisoning Your Brain with Dangerous Information!

This problem is so bad today, that my job of educating people has become like digging a trench in the sand with a sewing needle. You see, before I can even begin to teach you the TRUTH about getting muscular abs and losing fat, I have to UN-TEACH all the LIES, MYTHS and RUMORS.

This is one of the reasons I created this program, instead of just teaching one on one in my studio. The very first thing I do in FIRM AND FLATTEN YOUR ABS is to get all that garbage out of your brain, by revealing the 14 most common AB training myths.

But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Let Me First Show You what this Program is NOT

Because of all the rampant misinformation – even among so-called “professional” trainers - you should be skeptical about ALL AB training equipment and programs. That’s why I don’t blame you if you’re skeptical about THIS one too. You’ve heard it all and seen it all before, right?

Well… mark my words, FIRM AND FLATTEN YOUR ABS is NOT the same old rehashed crunch, leg raise, AB roller, sit up routines you read about in the “muscle and fiction” magazines. In fact, it’s nothing like you’ve EVER seen before…

Let me prove it to you by showing you what my program does NOT contain:

Sit ups, especially when your feet are anchored and you do the exercise rapidly, heavily recruit the hip flexor muscles, making sit ups mediocre at best, and dangerous at worst. The pull on the lumbar spine can aggravate an existing back injury or even create a new one.

These gizmos are pitched as a safe way to “protect your neck” and improve your form. The irony is that supporting your neck and head ultimately causes the opposite - your neck muscles never get used, so you get weaker and more prone to a painful and debilitating cervical injury.
Every time a new AB contraption comes out, I get bombarded with emails… “This one looks different… What about this one David?” The truth is, no AB machine has EVER been proven more effective than exercises you can perform with your own body. AB machines simply do not work your muscles in a functional manner and they do NOTHING to remove fat from your stomach (THAT is achieved through diet and a small dose of cardio).

The crunch is a decent, but totally overused exercise. If crunches are your primary exercise, you’re settling for mediocre results. Excessive floor crunching can shorten your abdominal wall, pull your head forward and encourage poor posture. Unless you like the hunchbacked Neanderthal look, you must integrate crunches into a more complete abdominal program.

Forget about starvation and crash diets… Flat abs come from proper nutrition as a long-term lifestyle. And remember, nutrition goes hand in hand with exercise like two wheels on a bicycle. If one wheel is flat, the other wheel won’t take you anywhere. Although FIRM AND FLATTEN YOUR ABS is not a “Diet” it will teach you how to combine exercise with nutrition to get the waistline you’ve only dreamed of before.

How much money have you flushed down the toilet on these “miracles in a bottle?’ If you’re like most people, your tab is well into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The entire concept of taking pills to “burn fat” is misguided because pills only treat symptoms – they don’t remove causes. Without lifestyle changes, even the most powerful fat loss drug on the planet can’t help you in the long run…Eventually, you’ll always gain back what you lost, plus interest.

Although the information in the 180 page Firm And Flatten Your Abs e-book alone is more than sufficient to give you all the tools you need to transform your midsection into a lean, strong, flat, chiseled block of muscle, I didn't stop there. If you order today, you'll also get an entire e-report bonus library including the following titles:

BONUS 1: Eliminate Lower Back Pain ($19.95 Value)

BONUS 2: David Grisaffi’s Walking Guide ($19.95 value)

BONUS 3: Modern Diet Secrets Revealed ($19.95 value)

BONUS 4: Yoga Stress Relievers ($19.95 Value)

BONUS 5: Stretching And Flexibility Success Secrets ($19.95 Value)

Look… You’ve got a problem you want to solve: You’re unsatisfied with your waistline. You want a flat stomach. You want to FINALLY see your abs. And you know that body fat – especially abdominal fat – is unhealthy and has been linked to over two dozen diseases.

The good news is, you now have the complete solution. Half of that solution is in FIRM AND FLATTEN YOUR ABS.The other half is staring back at you in the mirror: That’s right, YOU! Knowledge without action is worthless and wishful thinking gets you nowhere. YOU must take action!

Body fat won’t just go away on its own. Your health won’t improve unless you improve. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Take that first step towards a lean body, a flat stomach and better health and order FIRM AND FLATTEN YOUR ABS today.

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